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Episodes (13) Season 8 S08E01 - Launch Date 14 d&233 cembre 2018 S08E02 - Shadows 14 d&233 cembre 2018. S08E02 - Shadows Episodes. Voltron: Legendary Defender Launch Date 411 members The Paladins spend one last night on Earth in preparation for the launch of the Atlas.

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As you can see we have very few ads and no popups on the website. The paladins leave Altea and embark for Balmera to fulfill Hunk's promise to Shay. Share Images, Screencaps, and Wallpapers from Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 1 with friends on social media quickly and easily. Princess Allura puts the Paladins through training when they start to lose their focus. 'Voltron: Legendary Defender' The Ruins (2018) S07E05 Watch online Download Subtitles Player. voltron legendary defender online

Voltron: Legendary Defender (TV Series) TV. EPISODE 2 Voltron: Legendary Defender "Some Assembly Required" Date Aired: (United States) En route, however, a distress signal waylays the crew when they go to investigate the signal's source. Studied at Making Money Online.

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