D16 Sigmund
d16 sigmund

d16 sigmund

Flexible routingSigmund's four delay lines can be interconnected with each other in practically every manner possible.The plugin offers a choice of nine different routing topologies which give access to completely new dimensionsOf sound creation. Surely in the hands of skilled sound designerIt will have many other applications beyond that.This all adds up to an immensely powerful architecture, the potential of which can be explored nearlyEndlessly and often with hardly predictable outcomes. At extreme settings,The LFO is capable of twisting the input signal utterly beyond recognition and into what you mightExpect transmissions from an alien civilization to sound like!Envelope - In combination with built-in Transient Detector gives you aVery powerful tool when applied on amplitude allows to freely shape sound’s dynamicsTo control how it blends in the whole mix.Peak follower - It’s a must-have for a Modulator nothing else will do such expressiveWah-wah effect, when filter cutoff is influenced by. There are three different modes a Modulator can operate in:LFO - Used subtly on time parameter can delicately bring a sound to life, to add gentlyFlowing, modulated warmth reminiscent of the analog delays of yesteryear. Amplitude modulator (for tremolo effects)But that's not all: Sigmund has two general-purpose Modulators which can be used toAuto-modulate some of the delay lines' internal parameters.

Thus, it's possibleWithout any tricks or half-measures to use a single delay line not only as a traditional delay effect, but also asA chorus or flanger and in some of the highest audio quality theoretically possible!Sigmund's user interface has been designed from the ground up to be as intuitive as possible. With Sigmund, each delay line is absolutelyAlias free: the only sonic colorations you'll ever hear are the ones you've intentionally created.The signal path design process that went into Sigmund has been zero-comprimise from beginning to end: inFact, the sound quality is so high, the processing so pure that it's possible to work with even the smallest delayTimes, even down to one-tenth of one millisecond with zero artifacts emerging. For even greater convenience when working with Sigmund,The output signals of each of the four delay lines are combined in a special, purpose-built internalMixer to ensure seamless transition between algorithms and greatly speed workflows.The signal processing solutions we chose to implement in Sigmund have allowed us to achieve an unprecedented level ofAudio quality! A signal being routed sequentially through each processing block suffers no loss in fidelityFrom one to the next and no undesirable artifacts are introduced as is so often the case withSome of the more widely used but inferior solutions.

In skilled hands, these features become powerful weapons.Sigmund can be effortlessly applied in nearly any configuration in the studio. This, in combination with a novel system of padlocks forLocking individual sets of parameters when changing presets, allows you to zero in on the desired effectWith extreme efficiency. A convenient preset browser allows for quick auditioning of theExtensive, included factory preset library.

Separately configured pre and delay times with optional Tempo sync. And, all this inThe highest available audio quality! This is only the start of wonderful sonic journey you’re about to embark on. Things can go from basicTo very advanced indeed before you know it, and more easily than you perhaps considered possible. With the benefit of an incredibly flexible signal routing system, these simple strategiesCan be freely shuffled and combined for practically unlimited sound shaping depth. But also indirectly, depending on parameter values, there are other possibilities, including:Flanger – from small delays with feedback addedSpatializer – by applying delays on delay lines with different signal domains (M/S or L/R) and phase shifts between the channelsMastering / Bus dynamic processor - Setting modulators working as transient triggerable envelopes affecting signal’s amplitude it’s possible to control the dynamics very precisely.Despite all of the facts presented in this brief description, you get much, much more, because these are only examplesOf Sigmund's most basic operation.

d16 sigmund